
“Remnant Romance, Environmental Works: Idelle Weber and Aurora Robson” exhibition video organized by Hollis Taggart, New York, and presented from January 14 - February 27, 2021

AdobeMax Feature - Aurora Robson’s work centers around exploring conventionally discarded items as viable art media. While most think of junk mail as a disposable nuisance, Robson sees its potential to be a source for enjoyable reflection. It is a process of rescuing, de-contextualizing and romanticizing….Click for full feature.

BBC Culture Reel Feature: “Artist Aurora Robson crafts her stunning dreamscapes from rubbish to get people talking about the world's plastic pollution nightmare.” Link through image or click here.

BBC Culture Reel Feature: “Artist Aurora Robson crafts her stunning dreamscapes from rubbish to get people talking about the world's plastic pollution nightmare.” Link through image or click here.

Charleston Magazine Interview, "Sea Change," Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art, 2017 

"Trash + Love", Tedx Peachtree 2013

Visiting Artist Series, Columbia College of Art & Design, 2014

"Open Door Interview: Aurora Robson", McColl Center for Visual Art 2014

"The Making of Quality of Mercy" at Franklin Park Conservatory, 2014

"A Practice", 2013 

"The Making of Kamilo", 2012

"The Great Indoors", Rice University 2008